Project Experience
Examples of our Project Management Expertise
Project Portfolio Management

- Project Portfolio Management enables companies to manage and track their projects at an enterprise level.
It includes documenting and implementing a process for project selection, monitoring and assessment for financial credibility. Companies or departments maintain a prioritized list of approved projects, track projects against defined productivity metrics, identify potential project issues, and implement corrective actions and process improvements, as needed. A great advantage of portfolio management is it allows executive oversight of projects to ensure alignment with the vision, strategies and objectives of the overall business. Let IPM guide your business to do the right projects, with the right people, at the right time, for the right reasons.
New Product Design and Development

- New products are the life blood of innovative organizations that desire to bring the latest technology and solutions to their customers.
This is when excellence in project management can be the difference between meeting goals and customer expectations or failing and potentially jeopardizing customer relationships. Projects that are managed well will ensure the project outcome meets the user needs, while operating on-time, within budget and expected quality. Unfortunately, often this isn’t the case, projects are delayed for multiple reasons or if on time, they exceed the budget. IPM can assist you in developing the skills within your organization to execute projects well and meet expectations.
International Regulation Implementation

- Today like no other time in history international regulations for medical devices are being implemented or changing.
Countries that never had regulations before are implementing country specific requirements to allow product entry into their countries. To be a worldwide distributor of medical devices you must understand these requirements. Even today there are changes coming to Europe with the Medical Device Regulation. At IPM we have the quality system and project management knowledge and experience to help you deliver your products to countries outside the United States of America. Let us help you grow and expand your reach.
Acquisition/Merger Integration

- Acquisitions and mergers from the beginning phases of due diligence through the completion of integration or divestiture require detailed planning and implementation.
Depending on the product types they can often impact activities such as, quality system processes and procedures, regulatory filings, regulatory agency relationships, product labeling, supply chain contracts, and the list goes on. Having a systematic project management approach is important to ensure the A&M team meets the contractual agreements. All of these activities are being done while the executive leadership is keeping close tabs on the return on investment that was promised in the deal model. IPM is experienced with these types of large complex projects and are here to help you deliver on the expectations of your stakeholders.
Medical Device Labeling Process Improvement

- The product labeling process for medical device companies should be a very systematic and controlled process.
Having stringent controls in place helps ensure the correct product use information is provided to customers. Unfortunately, even with stringent controls, incorrect labeling has historically been a top ten reason for product recalls. Product recalls are very costly, not only financially, but they also can cause customers to lose confidence in a company’s capabilities and the quality of their product. With the use of project management principles, IPM will guide your team in assessing for risk and unneeded waste while creating efficient and sustainable processes. Let us help you make improvements with potential to improve your bottom line today.
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At IPM we are here to serve you, so let us know how we can assist you.